Simple and friendly, the crib looks perfectly suited for a young couple. This small remodeling project consists of a two bedroom apartment on the sixth floor of a building on the waterfront of Athens by Spacelab Architecture. The initialy fragmented plan of the apartement was opened up by demolishing the kitchen walls and creating a unified space. Two main elements dominate this space; the fireplace with the built in tv-behind the mirrored screen- and the open kitchen with the custom made yellow corian hood. The wooden surfaces used in the project were made out of old sewn looking veneer oak and stained dark. the floors are covered with oak wood. dark gray colours are complemented by flashier yellow, green and blue tones.
Images Credit: Spacelab Architecture
Simple, Stylish and Friendly Structured Apartment in Athens Pictures
interior design living room furnished with modern sofa gray color and a unique wooden table, aparment
interior design modern minimalist kitchen with a mix of colors gray, white and yellow, aparment
interior design simple apartment living room, kitchen and dining room can be seen from the living room
Simple-friendly, the crib looks perfectly suited for a young couple, aparment
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