This penthouse is on the 20th Floor and is located at 1049 Fifth Avenue. The house has 10 rooms with a view of the central park and Reservoir. The house also has four terraces out of which two face the park. The living room of the house is very well done up with a fireplace. The large media room with a terrace is the perfect place to relax and the four bedrooms in the house are complete with big bathrooms with oversized tubs. The house is extremely well decorated with marble and gold leaf mouldings. This penthouse is a perfect example of luxury and style.
Images Credit: luxist and gawker
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse Apartment Pictures
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse Bath room
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse bedroom
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse book room
New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse master bed room
Gallery of New York Fifth Avenue 1049 Penthouse Apartment
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